Select your KTU B.Tech PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Notes from the following list of modules.
If you are a student of KTU, Kerala, and looking for study materials for Principles of Management, then you can download KTU notes from This website provides comprehensive study materials for various modules of this subject. Principles of Management is a core subject for students pursuing a Bachelor of Technology degree in KTU. This subject is taught in the seventh semester of the 2015 scheme. The syllabus of this subject covers various topics related to management, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Students will learn about the different functions of management, the principles of management, and the different approaches to management. They will also learn about the different types of organizations, the different levels of management, and the different roles and responsibilities of managers.
The modules covered in this subject include Short Notes, Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5, and Module 6. Each module covers a different aspect of management and provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject. For example, Module 1 covers the basics of management, including the different functions of management and the different approaches to management. Module 2 covers the different types of organizations and the different levels of management. Module 3 covers the different roles and responsibilities of managers, while Module 4 covers the different types of planning. Module 5 covers the different types of organizing, and Module 6 covers the different types of controlling
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