Select your KTU B.Tech DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Notes from the following list of modules.
Digital Signal Processing is a subject that deals with the processing of digital signals using mathematical algorithms. It is a crucial subject for students pursuing electronics and communication engineering. The subject is divided into various modules, including Module 1, Module 3.1, Module 4, and Module 5.2. These modules cover topics such as discrete-time signals and systems, z-transform, Fourier series, and Fourier transform, among others. The subject is a part of the 2019 schema of the Kerala Technical University (KTU), which is a renowned university in the state of Kerala.
Module 1 of Digital Signal Processing covers the basics of discrete-time signals and systems. Students will learn about the properties of discrete-time signals, linear time-invariant systems, and convolution. The module also covers the z-transform, which is a powerful tool for analyzing discrete-time systems. Students will learn about the properties of the z-transform, inverse z-transform, and the relationship between the z-transform and the Fourier transform.
Module 3.1 of Digital Signal Processing covers the Fourier series and Fourier transform. Students will learn about the representation of periodic signals using Fourier series and the representation of non-periodic signals using Fourier transform. The module also covers the properties of the Fourier transform, such as linearity, time-shifting, and frequency-shifting. Students will also learn about the relationship between the Fourier transform and the Laplace transform.
Module 4 of Digital Signal Processing covers the design of digital filters
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