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ktu cgpa to percentage calculator and converter


You can use the ktu cgpa to percentage converter to convert your current overall ktu semester cgpa or sgpa to percentage. If you find any bugs in the converter, be sure to let us know.

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What is the grading system followed by KTU?

KTU follows grading system for awarding grades and grade points to students as followed in most of the Universities. It follows 10 point grade scale. SGPA and CGPA are calculated as the weighted average of grade point multiplied by the credits for the courses.

Is there a conversion formula to calculate KTU CGPA/SGPA to Percentage?

A general formula for conversion of SGPA/CGPA into percentage of marks cannot be defined. However, several students request for percentage of marks, as in many cases they have to provide % of marks

How to convert ktu cgpa to percentage?

You can use our cgpa to percentage calculator. Alternatively the Academic committee has approved an approximate formula for conversion of SGPA/CGPA to % marks as follows.
The Percentage Marks (% Marks) = 10xG - 3.75, Where G is SGPA or CGPA

What courses are offered by KTU?

KTU offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in various fields of engineering, technology, management, and architecture.
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